You Have No Idea

You have no idea how beautiful
you are, how a flight in sunlight
over reflecting waves can soothe
the soul, how perfect the moment
when nature brings us something
rare, something fleeting, and
we have the means to share in
art, photo, poetry, and we capture
the very essence of grace,
a lovely expression of nature’s
face presented to us mere 
mortals, reminding us there
is something more, something
which permits, no requires
our wonderment,  and we
have the power to see,
to feel, to capture, and
share what the world grants
us as our birthright, the beauty
of nature, which is in all of us,
and too often, you have 
no idea just how beautiful 
you all are. 



All’s Fair

in Love and War,
which can only mean there
are no rules, and all is fair
in the chaos which follows
what our purpose allows.

And winning is the reason
for the trouble of the season.
But for who do we win?
Is it for love or war we will sin?

For love is a faithful multiplier
and war but an ugly divider
as we do the math of our souls,
contemplating our purpose and goals.

Thus, may it always be the chaos
of love which creates the ethos
in which our spirit resides
and our soul never hides.



The Bouquet

They give their very best,
as they blossom bright
and shine for us,
as we experience
their buoyant beauty,
their fragile fragrance,
and we love them for how
they brighten our world;
yet knowing the truth
of time… that they are
for us but a moment and
will be gone too soon,
as their beauty will shed
as the relentlessness of gravity
overcomes stout pliant bodies,
and colors fade from bright
hues of purple and stunning reds,
mixed with startling whites into
dull grays of formerly stately hues
and life-altering brown spotting
finds it way to the surface,
while we witness the arrow of time
carry them beyond those
brilliant moments and flashes
of color, into a fragile
state of disrepair,
but oh the memories,
the memories
of the glory of life.





Now for Something Optimistic

I was thinking about the march we are on toward autocratic rule and dominance of oligarchies with a diminishment of the institutions of government, the scattering to the winds of the free press, and the pending attack on others as we move from stated isolationist objectives to imperial expansion…

Sure, Americans voted to move away from the status quo… we expressed a “need” to shake things up.   We voted against bloated institutions and the expressed wisdom of those more educated than ourselves, we decided that we are the Americans of the 1950s, with our I exceptionalism in tact, our conservative values preserved… and yet I wonder how the resulting diminished government, failing free press, tariffs, and conflicts with nearly everyone will square the circle for Americans?

I have no doubt, that Trump and his minions, as they celebrate their presumed mandate, will think they have the support to change our system of government, to change information flow, to muck with our reputation in the world, and ultimately impinge upon the ideals we have long held of ourselves.   As they overplay their hand, how will this set with Americans who have known a working government, no matter its flaws, have known the freedom of vote, and representative government, who have relished fair play and equal opportunity?

Americans believe their country has been a force for good in the world, no matter our mistakes.  As a nation of immigrants we have always had a warm heart for those in need and the downtrodden (well not always and not so much),

I think there will be a backlash.  I don’t believe we are like the beaten down and weak Germans of 1934, or the Hungarians of 2010, when Orban won his second, “for life” round in the role of Prime Minister, or for that matter we are unlike the Russians of the 2000’s ready for Putin’s strongman rule.  No, we have a vibrant economy, regardless of the price of eggs.  We have a long tradition of freedom.  We remain unconquered and are not vulnerable as other societies were… no, we will not allow our institutions, our free press and our voting rights to be trampled upon.

We will wake up and realize we are going in the wrong direction and the disruptor in chief will be disrupted.  The midterm elections will be a chance to say, hey wait a minute, this is not going as we expected.  Then the battle for years 3 and 4 will be a battle for our future.  Americans will win, must win.  The pendulum will swing back toward the middle… the far right satiated they won the imagined war against wokeness (whatever the heck that is) and the far left will be satisfied with the survival of democracy.

I imagine we will be nostalgic for George W… Bush that is.

Count on overplayed hands to bring us back to the middle.  I choose optimism as the second Trump administration begins this week.  I choose optimism that the extremists will go too far causing a backlash.  I choose optimism that Americans will start seeing they really did mean what they were saying.  Americans will bring us back to the sensible middle.  I am choosing optimism… for the alternative is freaking ugly.

God Bless America!
… please!



Invade Greenland, Really?

I have a friend who is a school teacher in England.  He was telling me a story of an event at school the other day, specifically:

“Yesterday in school, this is true, a pupil asked me if Trump invades Greenland what’s the difference between that and Putin and Ukraine? I really didn’t know what to say except the war or ‘special military operation’ would be over a lot quicker. I’m hoping that behind the scenes US intelligence and military pull him aside and tell him that a US president can’t do/say things like that, that he’s the leader of the democratic world.

His observation, is right on, the only difference between Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, and Trump’s musing that he wouldn’t rule out force taking over Greenland is if it were to happen it would be the same, but over a lot quicker…

I thought , why not ask AI the following question:

If the US invades and takes over Greenland, what is the difference between this and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?

The difference between a hypothetical U.S. invasion of Greenland and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine lies in several factors, including legality, historical context, geopolitical circumstances, and the motivations or justifications for such actions. Below is a breakdown:

1. Sovereignty and Consent

  • Greenland: Greenland is an autonomous territory within the Kingdom of Denmark. If the U.S. were to invade and take over Greenland, it would violate Denmark’s sovereignty and international law, as there is no indication Greenland or Denmark would consent to such an action.
  • Ukraine: Ukraine is a sovereign, independent nation recognized internationally. Russia’s invasion violated Ukraine’s sovereignty, international law, and the territorial integrity guaranteed under treaties like the Budapest Memorandum (1994).

In both cases, the lack of consent from the relevant sovereign authority makes the act a violation of international law.

2. Motivations

  • Greenland: A U.S. invasion would likely stem from strategic motives, such as controlling Greenland’s resources (e.g., rare earth minerals) or its strategic position in the Arctic.
  • Ukraine: Russia’s invasion was justified by claims of protecting Russian-speaking populations, “denazification,” and historical ties, though most analysts view it as a move to reassert control over Ukraine and prevent it from aligning with NATO and the EU.

While the motivations differ, in both cases, geopolitical ambitions drive the aggressive actions.

3. International Law and Global Response

  • Both scenarios would likely be deemed illegal under international law, particularly the United Nations Charter, which prohibits the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.
  • Greenland: An invasion would likely result in widespread condemnation of the U.S. by the global community and severe diplomatic, economic, and possibly military consequences.
  • Ukraine: Russia’s invasion has been widely condemned, resulting in sanctions, military aid to Ukraine, and diplomatic isolation for Russia in many international forums.

4. Historical Context

  • Greenland: Greenland has no historical ties to the U.S. apart from being a Cold War strategic location. It has never been part of U.S. territory or under American influence.
  • Ukraine: Ukraine has a complex historical relationship with Russia, being part of the Soviet Union and earlier Russian empires. However, Ukraine has been an independent state since 1991 and has sought closer ties with the West.

The historical context doesn’t justify invasion in either case but influences the narratives used to rationalize aggression.

5. Involvement of Local Populations

  • Greenland: Any invasion would likely face opposition from Greenlandic and Danish populations, as they are not seeking U.S. governance.
  • Ukraine: Russia has faced significant resistance from Ukrainians, despite initial claims that some parts of Ukraine would welcome Russian intervention.

6. Scale and Precedents

  • The U.S., as a democratic nation and a member of NATO, invading Greenland would mark a stark departure from its usual adherence (or public alignment) with international norms, creating a precedent similar to Russia’s actions in Ukraine.
  • Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has already been criticized as destabilizing international norms against territorial aggression.


The primary difference lies in context, geography, and the specific nations involved. However, in both cases, an invasion would violate international law, disregard sovereignty, and have significant global repercussions. The hypothetical U.S. invasion of Greenland would likely receive similar condemnation to Russia’s actions in Ukraine, though the specifics of each situation would color the international response.

God help the free world over the next four years!

It’s Five Days In

It’s five days in.
We can make it.
This year is so long.
Until it is gone too fast.

I wonder what is waiting for us?
Is waiting the same is wondering?
Does wondering have the same
time slowing magic?

How come we don’t ask why?
Or maybe we do, and
don’t like the bloody
obvious answers?

Let’s let time fly like a bird
we release from our hand,
and then it seems to have
nowhere to go, and it just sits.

Then be bold enough to
ask it to sit for a bit longer,
and it will fly away as
if it is being chased.

Yes, it’s five days in,
and we’ve got so much
time left for wherefores
and whynots, and more.

Let’s sit back and take it all in.
The poetry of life!

The New Year (2025)

It is of course, an arbitrary demarcation, everybody knows
but as a new year approaches and this one draws to a close.
it is a time of reflection, and time of for taking stock of the year
and realize more good than bad did occur and we are still here.
There are new births of life, new advancements in love and career
there are accomplishments, as well as, tears in any given year.
And then there is the opportunity, even if only in our mind
to start out anew, to be refocused, to accomplish, to be kind.
And in this arbitrary demarcation everyone must know
that we are remembered most, by the love we did show.

I pray this new year brings us a world with more peacefulness
with a bit more reasoned and compassionate thoughtfulness.
I pray we are guided by our better angels toward the higher values,
of equality, opportunity, democracy and freedom of the news.
And that we find a renewed faith in core ideals which make us great
those of freedom and fairness, as we repudiate the politics of hate.
Yes, this arbitrary demarcation, is a good time for reflection
with honesty and without blame and avoidance of deflection.
For we must understand and really know who we are
and aspire to become in our next journey around our star.


Merry Christmas 🎄

spreading wings
over this Christmas
 listen to supplications
of our love and hope for everyone
for this to be the beginning of another
time when we can truly say that we have
become what the child born for all of us would have
us be, in joy and happiness a kinder more forgiving world
so that peace will reign and forever remain like this evergreen
within us!


Our Own Night of Broken Glass

I don’t know what caused the altercation, maybe it was nothing.
Maybe a bumping of shopping carts, or something simpler, as I can imagine, it doesn’t take much in the crowded shopping exit of a Costco on a mid-December Saturday.
But the elderly white man clearly was saying you should be deported… the Hispanic man, yelling that he was not an illegal, and he has rights… the white man answering, well you look like it and so it went… the anger, the self-righteousness, and the responding demand for respect of rights… but the chaos made me think of how we are near a tipping point like we’ve not seen for 86 years… since maybe Germany’s Kristallnacht.

Unser Eigenes Kristallnacht*

Righteousness is killing us
the cruelty is purposeful
the gradual normalization of hate
was always intended to get to this point.
The language of otherization is vermin,
rapist, criminals and this is purposeful
as is the cruelty of separation, of division,
and worse.

Yes, take criminals off the street
but we need no special laws or actions
except enforcement of current law.
We need a path toward compassion
and fairness, without mindless mob
action by the righteous and
morally compromised.

Tipping points are never quite
clear until we are seeing it with
the eyes of history, in the analysis
of the past we find we are no
better than those who came before,
we who think we are better
may someday witness “our own
night of broken glass”.


My Stories, Poetry, Thoughts of the day