A Little More… fun!

A Little More

Taste is so enticing

A little more of course

With extra chocolate icing


A great feeling a great time

A little more of course

It makes for a fun rhyme


Beautiful music, terrific score

A little more of course

Please come back for that encore


Your thoughts, ideas so neat

A little more of course

Share your mind without repeat


A hug from you so sweet

A little more of course

It makes me feel complete







The Little Boy in Me

I was thinking how innocent and precious children are, how as we get older we can let the fun run out of our lives, while we focus on demands of our day.  Each year we may be a little wiser, a little more sure of our way, however to enjoy and celebrate life with wonder and excite we must stay in touch with the child within our souls… Let others see that little boy, that little girl in you, stay in touch with them, they are inspiring and amazing!

The Little Boy in Me

Hold me on your knee

Play with me in your mind

The little boy inside of me


Teach me of sun and moon

Roll with me rock and stone

Sing to me a pretty tune


I want to be your little boy

I promise I will be good

Give me some time and toy


Protect me and hold my hand

I am but a little boy and unsure

Help me walk today in the sand


By the ocean of white and blue

Walk with me, splash and play

Young, pretty we are all new


Stone Walls

I’ve really enjoyed an extra hour this morning, that I know I have to give back in the spring, but for the moment it felt great to sleep just a little more 🙂

Stone Walls

I’ve written about wisdom and how to seek it with the advantage of curiosity, perspective and honest self-assessment and I’ve written about time and generations, and about how love lasts. How it is passed down from generation to generation. But it occurred to me yesterday that it’s the hardened heart of those we love that is most challenging, more so than our own challenges to find love, truth and wisdom.   Because those that we love and cherish the most hurt themselves and all near them when they find themselves withdrawn with a heart ensconced within the stonewall house they’ve built.   Time will not change them as they continue to build their protective walls, and lay traps for those that get too close. Wisdom cannot be heard through these walls that grow thicker over time. Only through consistent pattern of loving, of providing pressure on that wall, warming the stone slowly so that the heart begins to warm, then they may take down their own walls, remove the traps and allow themselves to be loved.

When confronted with conflict we so often revert to what happened when we first build our own walls, what our parents, caregivers did. If it was love that warmed our heart through the stone we hid behind then its love that we give, if  we felt a sledge hammer against our walls we will use a sledge hammer with the same lack of progress that we know. If we were left alone, in time we learned that this is a way to live, a way to be protected without knowing love.  We may do the same and it carries from generation to generation unless we break the cycle.

A heart warmed with love can then listen to wisdom, a heart warmed with love can in time love back and this lasts forever. Love changes us, not time, not wisdom… It’s love and it lasts!






Sailing Along With Me

The wind and waves have a rhyme all their own

Angry, calm, always changing as present to me

My mind sails along adjusting always as one


I see and view and sing with all of thee

While second mind is working tiller and lines

Enchanted and mesmerized by the sea


Scooting along the water with haste

No where to go, no where to be

Just we and the wind enjoying our race


Thank you for being along with me

Our souls wandering with the wind

This is how tranquility and peace should be





I saw a tree today

I saw a tree today

Alone in mature confidence

Its leaves of scarlet and gold perfected

Sparkling in morning suns radiance


Autumn of life and another year’s rings

Cool breeze rustle cause a few to leave

But loud and strong her voice still sings


Rising above occasioned fog and dew

Glistened leaves reflecting beauty

Delighting senses for all of us too






Ageless again I’ll be

As time stands still

Night in my forest, its me


Angels, demons and sages

A tug of war they play

In scenes of life’s many pages


Joy, fears, inspirations they use

To win by making me believe

In this forested game of no rules


I hope the angels or sages win

Joy or inspiration in this timeless game

And not the demons from within


Dream in my forest where forever young is me

Dream in my forest where time knows no bounds

Dream in my forest and lets see who I’ll be



 Hi, I’m back… I’ve been neglecting my musings for the last week and half. The week before, I took a golf trip with my golf buddies. It was a great time. Grown, successful men playing around and having fun like adolescents, and I did pretty good winning at both golf and cards 🙂

This last week I was very busy managing events at work that promise to lead to very interesting, exciting and profitable changes.   In all this I realize that change is challenging, change can one moment be foreboding and the next fun, such that the very nature of change is changing.

All our lives are about managing change in one form or another, life is change and how we handle it determines our happiness, our dignity, and our future.


Give me the joy of change

Send me your whispering winds

For sure, for you I’ll rearrange


Give me perspective on road ahead

Give me strength to embrace this path

Give me wisdom and passion, and never dread


Change you are certain to ask

Some sacrifice or burden you’ll need

Just give me strength to answer the task


Embrace this world for change will be

Inevitable these winds of change you see

Let me be at peace as I sail along with thee


Mother Earth

Mother Earth

Mother Earth dancing into the night

Blue diamond shining beautiful and bright

Spinning graceful across the room

Watching in loving awe is Mr. Moon

Chasing the sun, leaning in and leaning out

Bringing seasons of life without a thought

Moon influences her emotions

Tides moving upon her oceans

Precious this diamond we call mother

We who watch, draw loving life from her

She is strong no need to hold her hand

But be close to enjoy and protect her land

Her body of waters, so beautiful the sea

Keep her waters clear for you and me

She dances on, a graceful timeless soul

So fortunate for us as we must know


My Forest

My Forest


Woke early this morning wondering if I was still me

Would I know or would I care if myself I could not see


I tossed and turned with some worry and concern

For what reason today I could not discern


A hurricane of thoughts running through my mind

A worry I didn’t do, didn’t say enough for them to find


If I were lost would you look in this forest behind every tree

Would you risk what you might find and what you might see


In the forest of thick and heavy wood

Be gentle with what you find if you should


The Old Man and Me

The Old Man and Me

I look in the mirror and see gray

I feel as if I’m twenty if I’m but a day

My mind says I’m a boy in baseball hat

But my stomach is clearly no longer flat


It looks easy, muscles twitch to play

But when mind says go, they just stay


Pretty young ladies, I notice and still see

But if they notice, it’s an old man that’s me


In my mind I can still work hard and long

But experience is smart and seldom wrong


Must be better to age, keeping heart young

Then to not and hear that final bell rung


Maybe I’ll learn to age gracefully

Or not and continue as me playfully


This, I guess, is but a little rhyme

Something old men do to pass the time


My Stories, Poetry, Thoughts of the day