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The American way is for democracy to prevail at the ballot box, not with the violence of assassination.  Yes, I have said and believe, that Trump is a threat to our democratic traditions of peaceful transitions of power.  True, his rhetoric has been too much like the fascists of history, but he must be defeated at the ballot box, not in the way this idiot attempted to end his candidacy last night.  Ironically the assassin  may well change history in an unintended way by easing Trumps path to the presidency.  I am appalled that this occurred, it is not who we aspire to be, and pray it is not who we are becoming.

Let us focus on the issues, the policies, our democratic traditions, not inflammatory rhetoric, and certainly not violence in our very critical election this November.   Thoughtful consideration is going to be needed in the coming months, as I anticipate a period of escalation of emotions and reaction and counter-reaction, but hope and pray for a period of calm resolute americanism.



The First Day of Spring

Spring in Michigan! 

First day of spring is not
done right here, it’s not
frisbee’s and baseball
and flowers and such,
but rather cold and snow,
and a day off of school,
I’m sure many enjoyed.

For me a bit of childhood
nostalgic fun after
white knuckling navigation
of treacherous roads,
an experience,
nearly forgotten.

I’m sure I was the
only idiot building
a snowman, well more like
a snowchild, for its
diminutive size, but
there it is … in all it’s
short-lived glory.


Tethered to a house or in a box
we’d talk and make our plans
for life and to meet again.
Tethered the lines could be
crossed and others a third
party on the line.
Tethered, you couldn’t know
if someone could hear you
say I love you on the line.
Tethered to a word of mouth
messaging system of someone’s
little sister saying he called.

Tethered now without wires,
for you are emotionally
attached, location free.
The third parties are now the
wind, and others around you
as you chase your day.
Messages seldom voiced
but textual, tied to your
heart with emojis.
And you are emotionally
more tethered than ever …
imagine being untethered,

if you lose your phone?




Book Published

I wrote the following book over the last couple of years as a way of documenting the story of a friend of mine, Steve Wurst.  Steve is an entrepreneur and highly talented engineer and inventor who formed a company and developed a hypersonic engine and flight vehicle concept.  For many reasons it failed to be a market success, but it remains a remarkably innovative solution to the problem of hypersonic flight.  This book is the result of many conversations and  interviews with Steve, as well as online research.



Father’s Worry For Their Children

Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s 

Father’s worry for their children
unlike a mother’s worry for same.
For a mother worries they don’t get hurt,
while a father worries they find happiness.
Mother worries about those things outside.

Things outside the nest which may be dangerous.
Father hopes they are prepared for life adventures.
Mother worries of the stress and toil of life and love.
Father hope they learn more of stresses, toils and love.
Mother seeks to help them with their own nesting.

Father seeks to help them grow and to flourish
as much on their own as they can be, holding them
only as close as they need to be the beautiful people
they are destined to be… but Mother will hold them so
close forever, and together … it’s a beautiful partnership.


For Tiana and Ethan


Fairy Tales Come True

Born in innocence of youth
with a faith in each other
two worlds come together.

Journey’s intertwine
as streams flowing
graceful toward the sea.

Supporting each other,
perfect companions
flowing beautifully together.

Evoking a dream of you
who inspire each other,
and all of us to believe…

Dreams can come true
in the amazing fairy tale
told in the love shared by two.

A.I. Not Unlike the Arrival of an Alien Intelligence

I played with the natural language AI open access ChatGPT a bit, and last week posted a poem it was able to write on a subject I previously wrote about “Playing Catch”.   Additionally I asked the AI to analyze poems, and to explain scientific discoveries.  The program was able to represent emotion, and be creative in producing the poem.

Also with respect to analyzing a poem, ChatGPT was able to understand and represent very well the thoughts behind a poem I wrote, including nuances which I would expect to be hidden from a rules-based engine evaluating creative writing.   Thoughts which were as much subconscious as well as conscious when written were revealed… this is both intriguing and scary.

I think of the rapid emergence of AI to be much like the arrival of an Alien Species to Earth.   I would be incredibly excited about what an Alien lifeform would bring us in terms of science, technology and insight about the universe we live in… and at the same time…  I would be extremely worried about the intention and the compassion or lack of compassion of an alien intelligence.

I would not expect an alien species nor AI to want to subjugate the human race, as it would likely have evolved beyond the exploitation of lifeforms just as we have moved beyond slavery as an economic model.   However, power and preminance is something which could be assumed, as we would be viewed is weaker in so many ways.  Would a more advanced technology / intelligence look to exploit our weaknesses?  Or rather enhance our strengths?  Also, would our very human need for power, seek to exploit advanced technology and intelligence for personal power and wealth over others of our race?  Most assuredly, as it is clear we have not advanced sufficiently to be mostly an altruistic, compassionate and social species… and as was noted by P.T. Barnum… “there’s a sucker born every minute.”   

So maybe, it would be best to be cautious about how we approach and use this very alien capability… which we invented, and is evolving fast.

How very interesting!

When the Moon is Nigh

When the moon is nigh and
the tides roll in covering
the jumble and the mess
and the winds are calm
then the  loveliness of
light reflects and ripples.

There is no reason
to not trust the calm
dark and cool sea,
but as the tide recedes
we see it is not so smooth
and it is hiding much.

And further out we go,
the more the wind blows
the sea suddenly rages
and love and respect finds
no home as the mess will
stir and churn with a storm.

For only the moon and
the winds of pressure
change the nature of
this sea, as we wait
impatiently for it to decide
what it should be.