A Lovely Sunday

It’s nearly noon on a quiet Sunday
and I haven’t yet had my usual say
because it is on these type of days
when my muddled mind is in a haze,
when the word lazy comes to mind
and pithy thoughts are hard to find
I let empty cloud thoughts form
as the failed fleeting quiet morn
begins to fade into a sunny noon
and if I keep this going, surely soon
there’ll be a thought or two to arise
beyond the missing of today’s sunrise
and all the colors of the early morning
when a day in infancy is still forming,
and my best thoughts are known to arrive
because I feel everything and I’m more alive
when It’s early morn, and not nearly noon
no matter how I slow it down, it arrives soon,
when it’s too late for a wise thought or two
and so with these rhymes I’ll entertain you,
and you don’t have to think hard or very much
about what it means, as I’m just staying in touch….

and  wishing you a lovely Sunday!


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