What is Here and What is Hidden

The leaves don’t need to know
of the changing season when
they are sprouts of green.
The squirrels may know of
treasured bountiful harvest
they store away for leaner times.
As we may wisely save for
that rainy day when a friendly
roof may fail to provide shelter.

But we, as they, need not know of all
which is hidden, and all which may
come in the turbulence of the future.
For then we will fail the present,
failing to enjoy the bountiful harvest,
and the beauty of the nature of things.
So, let us then rejoice in life and
not worry of what is kept from us.
For we were never meant to know
everything, as we appreciate both
what is here and what is hidden.



One thought on “What is Here and What is Hidden”

  1. I really love this. It speaks to a deep humility and willingness to surrender to those forces & powers that move the world and are far greater than ourselves.

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