The following poem is inspired by a book by the same name, written by Mark T. Sullivan, who tells the incredible but true story of an Italian boy Pino Lella, that grows up during World War II, to become a hero many times over, but in the process tragically loses his true love. If you haven’t read the book, you should… at least see the soon to be released movie…
Beneath a Scarlet Sky
Adventure and life oblivion of youthful insight
Interrupting us on this unforeseeably violent night
That sky with lights, with burning fires
Scarlet, tortured, indecent death pyres
Escape, survive, action for the fleeing loving others
Learn, strengthen, flying with our roman brothers
Bravely in love, bravely in service of right
Fragility of life exposed, of wit, of action into the night
Of secrets, of hidden lives, of scarlet skies
Careful, learn again, keep the secret with vital lies
Of love of culture, country, of love of life of each other
Where can we be, what can we do, dear brother
Death always at the door, life and love short
Nowhere to run, never to find a safe port
Fight with cunning and information and wile
Living in the moment, seeing all, biting back the bile
The evil and the weak die without honor or shame
And still the brave and innocent die ugly all the same
Guilt of survival, heartbreak driven revenge
Keep it together, cannot allow this mind to unhinge
More in a few years than anyone should see
So much more life to live so much more to be
But how to go beyond, how to find your heart
How to forever live for what has fallen apart
Beautiful poem. Thanks Mike