All posts by Mike Varga

If Well We Chose

The light filters through the trees
from the closest star we know,
feeding fauna, deer, birds and bees.

We stroll through using faint paths
worn by others for there is nowhere
untrodden and no undiscovered maths.

For we are merely the next, in a long line
of discoverers of universal truths
leaving bread-crumbs as a sign.

For those who will follow us into the past
and who will occupy this future life-space,
for nothing of us and of this is meant to last.

And some poet, someday, may for a bit think
about us as a continuum of thought from
forever ago to forever to come as a link.

And then the faint path we’ve left for those
who come next and those who come after
will give a bit of wisdom, if well we chose.



Where are we on the subject of empathy?
Oh yeah, we don’t care for it nor for sympathy
or so I’ve been told for they are the others
while we are the first, we and our brothers.

Others are not us, so it has become perfectly okay
to separate families once again, and deny them a way
to a better future, the one we feel is our birthright
and for this we will cast the others to the night.

The night of horrors, roundups, and detentions
the night of deportations, and rights suspensions
as separations will resume, and children will be lost
as families who are not us, are into the night tossed.

But what do we care?  We who so quickly forget,
we who have no empathy and no feeling of regret.
We are okay, we are Americans and we are first,
and we no longer think of hunger and thirst.

We no longer think of oppression and threats
of violence, we’ve protected our precious benefits,
our prices and our borders, from imagined horrors
as we gave up on our love of God and human morals.


The Washington Post reports that there are 1400 children still not reunited with families from the policies of Donald Trump’s first term and the chaos by which they were separated from families at the border.  Imagine, what will happen at the border and throughout the country as the roundups begin, especially as he promised them to be violent. 




Songs of Birth

When you light the candles
in numbered wishes of happiness,
we give homage to our ancestors,
who sat aglow around fires of warmth
and laughed and sang in unison to the
songs of birth, and songs of life.

We sing in unison to life’s
shared  values, creating wishes
of play and of health too,
the wealth of family, the
fellowship of friends, in the
songs of birth and long-life wishes.

And when we are well celebrated
of birth,  we shall sing our songs
of accomplishments and joys,
in the fortune of family and friends,
and of storied-lessons in the
songs of birth and life’s legacy.




Elections have Consequences

In 2020, I published a short book before the election, warning of the threat to our democracy which an election of Donald Trump would pose to our country.  With his loss in November of that year (which he continues to deny), I hoped this would bring an end to the need for such warnings.  Furthermore, after the Insurrection on 6 January 2021 led by Trump for the purpose of overthrowing a free and fair democratic election, I thought there is no way he would ever be in power again, but I misjudged the American people and here we are!

The first page of that 2020  book, Trump, Power & the Lessons of Orwell’s 1984 is about the cover which included rows of books in a library:

In George Orwell’s 1984, learning and books were considered unnecessary and counter to the goals of The Party, of Big Brother.  Ignorance of history and humankind’s struggle for a better life, greater liberties and freedom and enlightenment was prevalent and ensured through the institutions of government.

We currently enjoy the opportunity for knowledge, intellectualism and an understanding of history.  We have our unalienable rights as declared in our Declaration of Independence, we have the protections of the Constitution of The United States of America, and we have the strength of the people engaged and dedicated in the separate but equal institutions of government: The Legislative, The Judicial and The Executive Branches of Government!

But what if the opportunity for information and knowledge is taken from us?  What if the unalienable rights where no longer guaranteed, because the constitution of the USA is adapted to meet a new agenda?  And what if the institutions of government are no longer separate and equal?  Are these just the consequences of an election?

Threats to our democracy are a very near and present danger.

What if the selections we see for Cabinet posts are intentionally shocking, underqualified and dangerous?  What if the purpose is to solidify power into one office while dismantling the protections and guard rails of legislative and judicial branches?   There are 2.3 Million people working in government, what if Musk and Ramaswamy slash workers in the federal ranks and leave only those who pass a loyalty test in an avowed effort to cut costs and improve efficiency (and consequently loyalty to Trump rather than the constitution)?… And what if the loyalty tests are not just for civilian workers but through an Anti-woke evaluation panel to affect the senior leadership in the US military services?

The goal seems to be to replace the “Deep State” with another Deep State totally in alignment with the stated objectives of the Trump campaign promises and Project 2025.

Consider our country with DOJ pursuing political enemies instead of criminals.  Consider the Homeland Security focused on rounding up 11 million undocumented workers and housing them in tent cities as the deportations start.  Consider Health and Human services cutting valuable research into infectious disease and vaccines?  While at the same time the military purges those who are considered “diverse” from the accepted norm.

Imagine our treasury department focused on normalizing bitcoin, imagine the DJT Cryptocurrency.  Of course, then the commerce department will advocate for punitive tariffs on designated enemies and maybe friends alike if they don’t properly flatter our dear leader.  in the meantime the free-press institutions are challenged by the FCC and without flattering coverage of DJT these “fake news media” will lose their licenses and be sold to the Oligarchs which will control all news.  Think about a future where NBC, CBS, the Washington Post and New York Times are no different than Fox news and NewsMax.  Then again, maybe all we need is Elon Musk’s X .

We can hope for the Senate and the House of Representatives to keep the administration in check.  Oh oops, I forgot they are Republican led and spineless when it comes to standing up to Trump… and therefore useless.  So if something becomes useless, it could then be eliminated.

Expect an attempt to change the constitution.  More Executive directives.  Just a rubber stamp legislative branch.  By 2026, will we even need midterm elections?  Maybe, depending on how it goes.  I could imagine no meaningful election in 2028.   While Dems are hand-wringing over what went wrong and considering what they will do in the next elections, they should be worried if there will even be a future of free and fair elections.

Consider if the Senate confirms the selection of Gaetz as AG, then the advise and consent oversight of the Senate to the administration is meaningless?  If the Senate fails to confirm Gaetz, then expect Trump to have a scorched earth campaign against the Senate, again making the Congress an unwanted and unneeded appendage to the operation of government.  If Trump over steps and the Senate changes after the 2026 election, do you think he’ll agree it was a free and fair election and accommodate a divided government he must negotiate with, or rather dismiss this useless appendage?   Do you think the courts will stand by and let this affront to the constitution slide by? … No… surely not, but will the Executive branch under Trump enforce laws of congress and rulings of the court if not in his favor?   I think not.

Do you think the military led by the generals who passed the Anti-woke vetting will intervene? Do you think the cabinet of sycophants would stand up to Trump? Do you see an impeachment by Congress mattering at all?  Oh and the “not-so” free press, run now by the Oligarchs, will condemn the bureaucrats for being un-American.

The test of Trump’s power will be the approval of a clown cabinet, Gaetz is the ultimate litmus test for DOJ, but so is Hegseth for Defense who is completely unqualified to run an organization of 3 million people.  Kennedy as HHS Secretary, an anti-vax conspiracy theorist with no medical education or experience.  Additionally the idea of Noem for Secretary of Homeland Security, with no qualifications, and Director of National Intelligence, Gabbard, who is herself a security risk.  These picks are a big middle finger to what Trump believes is the “deep state” and a huge challenge for dominance over the Republicans in the Senate.

There is no question this is a battle for the consolidation of power in the Office of the Presidency, and consequently a battle over what shall be the revised constitution of the United States of America.  Democracy as we have known it is at risk.  The well being and welfare of the people of the United States is at risk.  Our economy could be put into a tailspin, and our standing as leaders in this world could be ceded to Russia and China.   Women will be kept in their place, protected whether they want it or not and climate change will not be addressed in any meaningful way.

Elections have consequences.  At this time we have decided by all measures that we prefer strongman rule over compromise and consensus.  We have decided that democracy and our constitution is secondary to our image of ourselves wrapped in the flag void of the historic meanings of freedom and the right to self-determination.  This was the most consequential election of our history since 1860, and it unfortunately could be the last consequential election.

Democrats, hand-wring all you like, it will not matter if you don’t mount a communication program to undermine what we will be told by the new leadership.  Republicans, especially in Congress. if you want to have a party that matters; it is time for you to grow a backbone and fight for our constitution and democratic freedoms instead of kneeling to the throne.

Yes, this election has consequences.




I Thought of Writing

So, I thought of writing of the
darkening storm clouds, but
it seems it is already raining.

I thought of how unity is confused
with conformity, but I know
it really means surrender.

I thought, I will write about charity
but I saw in my mind the stark
clarity of barbwire.

I considered, I could write of a swinging
pendulum of thought, but my heart felt the
wrecking-ball of demolition swinging forth.

I remembered, “a shining city on a hill”,
but I foresee it dulled and tarnished by
the shame of principles abandoned.

I thought of symbols of freedom, but instead
I witnessed a desperate struggle for fairness
among the dark clouds of oppression.

This struggle finally brought to me a
small glimmer of hope, a harbinger of
sunrise after a long stormy night.

But oh how long must we wait?

The Inbetweens

We, in our pedestrian existence
are too seldom awed by the vastness
of the universe, by the incredible
velocities, and yet the connectivity
of gravity, the soul inspiring light,
the breathtaking darkness of the

We fail to see the miracles all
around, and more than just life,
but the mysteries of our life;
of the who we are, with thoughts,
words, and ability to love as we
overcome the challenges of the

We should make room each day
for aweness, for our breath
to be taken, for our connections,
for our ideas and souls to soar,
and realization that we are
special because we thrive in the




Better than 4 Years Ago?

Some say they were better off under Trump than Biden, they say that the test “were you better off four years ago?”  favors Trump because of the price of eggs… REALLY??   But do you remember the mismanaged COVID response which lead to more than 1.1 million deaths of Americans?

Do you realize COVID was worse than it needed to be because of Trump?  In fact, with similar cultures and population our death rate per 100,000 population was 2.5x that of Canada?  (Source- John Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center)

Do you realize the US economy today has 2.1% Inflation, Wage growth is 4.1% and GDP is 4.95% year over year… easily the strongest economy in the world?

Do you realize how women’s rights have been degraded by Trump’s three Supreme Court picks?   There are 21 states where woman cannot get life-saving reproductive care, due to the overturning of Roe v. Wade.  How many bleed-out deaths of young women are needed to reach you?

Do you realize a much needed conservative bill was put forward to fund dramatic improvements in border security this year and Trump had it killed because it would undermine the wedge issue he needed?

If this is not enough, consider character – A serial liar, convicted felon, a sexual molester, a fraudster and failed businessman (6 bankruptcies) who appeals to white nationalist vs. a successful prosecutor and state attorney general who spent her entire career in service to the people.  Who would you prefer?

And what of the future based on what both are saying…

If you think that autocracies are dangerous and they take freedom from their citizens, then Harris is your only choice.   If you are the preferred candidate by fascists, maybe it is because they can relate to you, and Trump is a fascist (definition: a populist political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual, is associated with a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, and is characterized by severe economic and social regimentation and by forcible suppression of opposition – The Enemy Within, remember?)

If you think the DOJ should operate independent of the Administration, then Harris is your choice.

If you know that Jan 6. 2021 was an attempt at a violent insurrection with the purpose of keeping Trump in office, your only patriotic choice is Harris.

If you believe a growing opportunity-based economy is better than an Oligarchy then Harris is your choice.  If a Harris’ growth economy is good for America (and the world) then you must know that wide use of tariffs and the costs of detaining and deporting 11 Million people will put our economy in a severe depression.  Your only logical choice is Harris.

What more is there to talk about?  Were you really better 4 years ago??? Will you have a chance of being better in 4 more years???




What is Here and What is Hidden

The leaves don’t need to know
of the changing season when
they are sprouts of green.
The squirrels may know of
treasured bountiful harvest
they store away for leaner times.
As we may wisely save for
that rainy day when a friendly
roof may fail to provide shelter.

But we, as they, need not know of all
which is hidden, and all which may
come in the turbulence of the future.
For then we will fail the present,
failing to enjoy the bountiful harvest,
and the beauty of the nature of things.
So, let us then rejoice in life and
not worry of what is kept from us.
For we were never meant to know
everything, as we appreciate both
what is here and what is hidden.



A Novel, The Last Green Valley

Years ago, I read a great novel by Mark Sullivan, called Beneath a Scarlet Sky.   One of the best I’ve ever read, I highly recommend it.  I wrote about it almost exactly seven years ago: 

Since then,  I haven’t read anything further from this author, because I naively thought nothing could improve upon this tale coming out of World War II.  A hero with an incredible story of survival, and tragic love loss.  Such a monumental experience.

But I was looking for something new to read this last month and realized he had another WW2 survival true-story published, The Last Green Valley,  and I decided to give it a go.   Wow, what another masterpiece in storytelling by Mr. Sullivan!  A story of extraordinary adversity.  A real-life family, caught between the prevailing evil of Stalin, and Hitler.  A story of trial, of suffering, grit, and yet the story of a dream of a future, of a Last Green Valley… Achievable by determination, by chance, or as expressed in the writing, a faith and trust in God.  A faith which is constantly tested. Sometimes this is expressed as the notion of a power in the universe for which we can be one.  It makes one believe there is a way with faith and determination and positive outlook to survive in the most evil and trying of times.  Finding a path toward a better future.  Along the way, the author contrasts between those who embody this faith, may have lost it but find it again, as well as determination and persistence, from those who seek their own temporary advantage.

I will not retell the story here, but I leave you with my impression, and to suggest if you liked Beneath a Scarlet Sky, then give The Last Green Valley a read.


Is as spherical thing
held and felt with an infinity
of possible sides, it will
roll with you or away from you,
it will challenge you to keep up,
it will seem elusive even when
you need it most, and yet it keeps

It is tested, as your connection
and oneness with everything
and each other is tested, and
in such times it may grow or
shrink as you see the future
and your participation in it
obscured, but it keeps

It will be your companion
if you allow it, rolling before
you, opening new doors, if you
treat it with innocence and wonder.
If you see it in the smallest
things, it will be there for the
biggest things in time, still

Tomorrow is Indigenous Peoples Day

My calendar told me today that tomorrow is “Indigenous Peoples Day”… so I looked up a definition of Indigenous Peoples.  Of course I know the intention, however,  I found the United Nations has no specific definition, but rather a multi-page paper to describe the apparently undefinable.  I guess, as I see it, they are peoples who descended from peoples who arrived before the peoples who arrived later.  And then view themselves as natives, as we then view ourselves as civil members of the society for which we claim ownership.   Because we defined it as so, and those others coming after us are immigrants which  most of us were at one time, and which are distinguishable, I suppose, from most recent migrants… at least for the purpose of conserving some cultural heritage which we supplanted over the top of some previous peoples and their heritage.

There does seem to be some truth to the notion that the winners of conflict and migration and supplantion write the history, and define thus the place for all of us.  So tomorrow, cheers to the peoples who came before the peoples before us… and their culture which we continue to supplant… I guess they deserve a day!

Maybe those defined as migrants and refugees will get a day sometime in the future?